16/54 – Lose Your Map

Directive: Mind Map

To me mind-mapping is a way of picking through your brain for ideas you didn’t even know you had. They’re just waiting there, ripe for the picking. I chose the road for the focus of my map and this is what I came up with…


I found a common theme in many of the ideas I wrote down, adventure, routes, journeys, and destinations.

What this translated to in my head was that the road is life. When we’re on the road, we know where we’re going. We have our map in hand and a destination in our mind. We have options and choices to make, however, no matter what routes we take, they will still bring us to our final destination. Thinking of life in terms of a destination is honestly, kind of uninspiring. Our focus should be on the journey… or even forgetting about the destination all together. We should throw out our maps and see where the unplanned road takes us. Sometimes we just need to get lost.




Sometimes in life you just have to let go, forget about your plans for the future, and just live. I feel that this connects with the brand VW in a strong way. Volkswagen is about motoring pleasure. Their cars aren’t just a means to an end, they’re meant to become a part of your journey. The Volkswagen is there for you, no matter what route you take.

04/54 – For Your Travels

Directive: Make a List

I’m a big fan of road trips and a strong believer in the phrase, “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I’ve been taking road trips since I was only a few weeks old as my dad’s family lives in New Jersey (a six-hour trip from my home in Virginia Beach). Some of my earliest memories are of myself clambering into our family’s Suburban (sorry my parent’s didn’t own a Volkswagen, I wish they did though!) with my pillow, blanket, and all of the toys I could fit into my backpack. The journey to get to wherever we were going was always a fun and interesting one. From enacting the dramatic lives of my stuffed animals to creating a fort in the back seat, I always found ways to keep myself occupied.

If all else failed I would stare out of the window in wonder, taking in the world whizzing past. Car rides are often where I find my inspirations, come to my conclusions, and retrieve my more compelling thoughts. They’ve become my own form of therapy and restoration. The prospect of traveling away from my everyday to life, the open road ahead, and a new adventure on the horizon, exhilarates and revitalize me. It gets me out of my normal routine and way of thinking. I’m able to push everyday thoughts out of my head and move into a more interesting & innovative space.

When you go on a long trip, the car, the people you’re with, and the things you bring become part of the journey. With these thoughts and memories in my head, I’ve decided to create a Volkswagen “Must Pack List for Amazing Adventures”.

VW Must Pack List

1) A Playlist to Top All Playlists

Music is transportive. It takes me to out of my head and creates space for new ideas. On a road trip music is absolutely necessary, it sets the mood for the entire trip and makes the hours pass. I personally have a very eclectic and diverse taste in music. I have few boundaries, my taste is composed of many different genres and time periods of music. I think my tastes represent Volkswagen in the sense that the brand has strong roots in the past, but has still managed to stay relevant. An eclectic mix in music is also representative of the people who drive their cars. There’s music and a Volkswagen out there for everyone.

2) A Journal 

As I said, I usually get my best ideas from the hours I spend on the road, just sitting with my thoughts. Car trips create an opportune time to reflect and a journal can become the passenger’s best friend. Putting on paper what I see & think about makes my thoughts tangible. If I’m thinking about a new idea, something I’d like to see come to fruition, I write it down. Once it’s out of my brain and onto the paper, it’s that much closer to being the real thing.

3) A Camera

Traveling across the country, you come across almost too many inspiring sights. There are so many interesting people, places, and things that it can be almost overwhelming. Having a camera to capture those fleeting sights that pass by allows these places to stay lasting in your memory.

4) A Blanket & Pillow

A blanket & pillow for the passengers is fairly obvious but worth mentioning. Comfort is key for a good road trip.

5) A Good Book

Car trips are one of the few instances when I actually have time to read. Reading has always been one of my favorite activities. Like many of the other activities I listed, reading takes you out of your head and your surroundings. It allows your brain to absorb new concepts and look through different perspectives.

6) Lots of Snacks

I love to eat (I mean who doesn’t?!) and car trips are my chance to indulge. I buy all of my favorite snacks in preparation for the big trip.