34/54 – I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

Directive: Archetypes

Archetype: The Servent

What would we do in a world without our cars? It’s hard to do. Cars are so fully integrated into our life, that we often take them for granted. What happens in an everyday situation when there’s no car to use. Imagine making a trip to the grocery store that’s a few miles down the road. First you would plan your route, pack a backpack (it could take a few hours to get there), you make sure to grab some rope (just in case rappelling down a cliff shortens the route), your husband/wife yells out to you, “Honey, remember the eggs and try to keep the frozen things together so they defrost slower!” Now imagine, just as your about to make the trek to pick up your groceries, you open the door and a German engineer is standing there with a set of keys in hand. “Who’re you? What’s that?” The German engineer gestures towards a Volkswagen Beetle sitting in your driveway. “Oh, so that’s what it’s for!” you exclaim as you realize the purpose of a driveway. With a little help from your German engineer friend, life just got a whole lot easier.


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