29/54 – WWAGED?

Directive: None

It’s a normal Saturday for Michael. His plan is to pick up his groceries, deliver his grandmother’s medicine, and then head to the beach to surf. When he walks out of his front door, the sun is beaming down and everything is saturated in it’s warm glow. The birds are singing and there’s a distinct smell of summer in the air, freshly cut grass and sunscreen. “It’s a good day,” he announces.

Michael secures his surfboard to the roof of his Volkswagen Sportswagen and gets in the car. On route to the grocery store, he spots a rough looking man on the side of the road with his thumb extended in the air and a guitar case held in the other hand. Suddenly, as Michael contemplates what he should do, a tiny German engineer in a white lab coat appears on his right shoulder. “Do the right thing,” he says before vanishing just as quickly as he had appeared. Michael pulls over and tells the man to hop in with a smile. Looking taken aback, the scraggly man thanks Michael with a wide smile and slides into the passenger seat. Michael’s trip continues now with the car window’s down and his favorite song playing on the radio. The hitchhiker pulls his guitar out and begins strumming along.

Once they reach the grocery store, his new friend helps him shop, pushing the cart behind him. Their arms full with groceries, the pair made their way back to the Sportswagen. On the walk back they were stopped by a cardboard box in the middle of the parking lot with the words Puppies Without A Home scrawled in marker on the side. Again, the tiny engineer appears and this time only gives Michael a knowing nod. Without hesitation, Michael hands his groceries off and scoops up the three golden retriever puppies out of the box.

His trip goes on, now with the strange ensemble of his hitchhiking friend and three puppies in tow. Arriving at his grandmother’s house, the puppies pour out of the car and nip at Michael’s heels as he walks to the door. When he sees his grandma, he gives her a big hug and introduces everyone. Excited by the company, Michael’s grandmother offers up a plate of freshly baked cookies. The hitchhiker entertains the puppies in the living room as Michael’s grandma reveals that she has been feeling extremely lonely. She says that it’s been nice to have people around for a change. Feeling the sharp pain of remorse, Michael thinks What would a German engineer do?

With his car now filled with his hitchhiker friend, three rambunctious puppies, his Grandma, and all her knitting supplies, Michael heads to the beach. He imagines his German guide watching on with pride as they make their way to the beach.


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