52/54 – A Christmas Miracle

Directive: Convergence

A Story From The Day You Were Born – Told by Mother to Daughter

It was Christmas day during one of the worst snow storms I’ve ever seen. Your father and I were celebrating our first Christmas together as a married couple and I was almost 9 months pregnant with you. We had decided not to exchange gifts this year because we were saving money for when you arrived. Money was tight, I was out of work for a period of time and your father was just starting at a new place. However, me being me, I bought your father a suit for his new job. I was surprised that your father wasn’t more upset with me, considering he had followed the rules and didn’t get me a present. After I gave him my gift, he told me he was going to run out and get food for dinner. I protested. I didn’t want him going out in this snow storm, especially in the hunk-of-junk car we had at the time. He eventually won the argument (it can be tiring to argue or really do anything when you’re 9 months pregnant) and I retired to the couch for a nap.

I awoke about 2 hours later in a panic. I realized that my water had broke, the power was out, and your father still wasn’t back. I was so scared that the hospital wouldn’t be able to come get me and by the fact that he wasn’t back yet. Just as I was starting to hyperventilate, your father bursts into the door looking cheery.

“Where have you been,” I shouted, “I’m going into labor!”

He said, “Okay, but first I have to show you something.”

I was starting to get mad at this point. I thought to myself, um I’m trying to have our baby over here, what could you possibly show me that’s more important? He lead me to the open door and I gasped. Sitting in the driveway was a brand new Volkswagen Touareg. My face went incredulous and he responded, “I got a promotion at work last week.” I laughed and tears started to roll down my face.

“Lets go meet our baby,” he said, helping me into the new car.

Your father got the Touareg to handle the awful snow we get here. He did it so we could get to the hospital safely, but he also got it with you in mind. He knew one day you would be driving in the same snow and he wanted something you would be safe driving in. So… Merry Christmas, we love you.

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